Name | Image | Tier | Pool | Description | Flavor |
Ascenders Badge | | Common | | Remove Ascender'sBane in your deck. | The changes of the spire won't stop you from climbing higher. |
Badge Of Simplicity | | Common | | The first time you play "Strike" or "Defend" each turn, gain [E] . | There's nothing on it. Simple. |
Berserker Badge | | Common | | If last room was Combat , gain 2Strength in this combat. | Awarded to warriors who are not afraid of pain and go forward bravely. |
Big Sale | | Common | | Potions in shop cost 1Gold . (Doesn't affect extra potions when you have Courier) | There are few people who'd like to buy potions , are there? |
Blast Shield | | Common | | Whenever you lose ALL Block because of enemy's attack, deal 8 damage to ALL enemies. | Once it's broken , it will release huge energy. |
Blood Bag | | Common | | If you lose at least 20 HP in a combat, immediately gain 20TemporaryHP this combat. | Use this when bleeding is excessive. |
Death Reaper | | Common | | You deals 120% attack damage to enemies whose HP is below 50% . | You wouldn't like to meet its owner. |
Dust Of Life | | Common | | Whenever you play a Uncommon or RareColorless card , exhaust it and heal 3 HP. | After this magical plant turns into dust, a new seedling will grow out of it. |
Energy Saver | | Common | | Gain [E] after you play a X-cost card. | Don't waste your energy! |
Gold Magnet | | Common | | Regular combats have a 25% chance to drop a relic. | Treasures are buried everywhere! |
Holographic Shield | | Common | | At the start of each turn , gain Block equal to 1 + the number of turns. | Can this shield really block damage? |
Icosahedron Dice | | Common | | After 20 turns (accumulative between combats) , gain a random RareRelic after that combat and lose effect. | V-E+F=2 |
Milk | | Common | | When you use a potion in combat , gain 1Strength and 1Dexterity . | A cup of Cappuccino, please. |
Oak Barrel | | Common | | Upon pickup, gain 1 potion slot. Potions in combat rewards will always be EntropicBrew. | Life was like a cask full of mixed potions, you never know what potion you are gonna get. |
Potion Backpack | | Common | | Whenever you discard a potion , gain 30Gold . | Don't just discard your unwanted potions. Why not sell them? |
Quill | | Common | | At the end of turn, you can select a Power in your hand to Retain, and reduce its cost by 1. | The words written by this quill are fluorescent. You wonder what ink it uses. |
Rabbit Lantern | | Common | | Whenever you gain Block, gain 1 less Block but gain 1TemporaryHP. | A decoration to celebrate a traditional festival. |
Skeleton Mask | | Common | | At end of turn , instantly kill enemies whose HP is below 8 . | Take away weak souls. |
Wrench | | Common | | At the start of each combat , temporary upgrade cards in your hand. | "Equipment repairment and maintenance" |
Bloody Dagger | | Uncommon | | Once per turn , when you receive unblocked attack damage , gain 6Vigor . | There's a thirst for revenge in it. |
Bottled Tsunami | | Uncommon | | Upon pickup , choose a card. It will return to draw pile after played. | You can hear the tsunami runs toward you...... |
Bouncy Ball | | Uncommon | | For every card you try to draw while your hand is full, gain 3Block instead. | Fly upward, and bounce on the ceiling! |
Cocktail | | Uncommon | | At start of combat , trigger the effect of a random potion . | Just mix them all together! |
Firecracker | | Uncommon | | Whenever you deal damage to an enemy, deal half the damage to another random enemy. | Crackle Boom! |
Flame Boots | | Uncommon | | After you play the 6th card in a turn, gain 4temporaryStrength this turn. | Ignite the combat with your speed! |
Ghost Cloak | | Uncommon | | Once per turn, if you receive 2 unblocked attack damage in a turn , gain 1Intangible immediately. | Thin and ethereal. |
Gold Anvil | | Uncommon | | Whenever you upgrade a card at campfire, upgrade another random card in your deck. | Best anvil to forge the best weapons. |
Heavy Spear | | Uncommon | | Whenever you deal attack damage that is not less than half of target's max HP , kill it instantly. | Overkill. |
Holy Statue | | Uncommon | | At the start of the next 3 combats, upgrade ALL your cards. You can reset the number to 3 at campfire. | You feel blessed after praying before the statue. |
Huge Hammer | | Uncommon | | Once every combat, if you deal at least 150unblocked damage within one turn , stun ALL enemies this turn. | This is not an inflatable hammer! |
Joker | | Uncommon | | The last card in your hand will be played twice. | Show your trump card at the last minute. |
Magic Hat | | Uncommon | | If you do not play any Attacks during your turn , Retain cards in your hand this turn. | How did you do that? |
Magic Wand | | Uncommon | | If you do not play any Attacks during your turn , draw 2 extra cards next turn. | How did you do that? |
Purifying Flame | | Uncommon | | Whenever you Rest, remove a random Curse from your deck. | The holy and powerful flame will certainly purify your curses. |
Rune Of Horror | | Uncommon | | At the end of your turn, enemies who don't intend to Attack lose 1Strength . | While you are afraid of your enemies, your enemies are also afraid of you. |
Speedy Hand | | Uncommon | | You can add ALL 3 cards in a card reward to your deck and upgrade them. | Grab them all! |
Stone Of Resonance | | Uncommon | | Whenever you play a card, if there is any same card in hand, play the card again. | One of the only two identical stones in the world. |
Tower Shield | | Uncommon | | Whenever enemies gain Block , gain equal Block next turn. | Build your defence before your enemy attacks. |
Vintage | | Uncommon | | If a potion stays in your potion slot for at least 5 combats, double its effect. | The secret of best vintage is time. |
"Invincible" | | Rare | | You lose at most 20/30(Non-Elite/EliteorBoss) HP every turn. | An amulet in the shape of Corrupt Heart , the invincible ruler of the spire. |
Bottled Snowflake | | Rare | | Upon pickup , choose a card. It is free to play once every combat. | The last snow before the blight turn them all red. |
Echo Conch | | Rare | | At the end of turn , you can select a card to move from discardpile to drawpile . | If you listen closely, you can hear the ocean. |
Garlic | | Rare | | At the first turn of each combat , negate ALL DEBUFFs. | It stinks! |
Golden Lance | | Rare | | If all cards in your hand are Attack , your Attacks deal double damage. | The best defence is attack. |
Heart Chain | | Rare | | Whenever you lose HP for reasons other than this relic, prevent this damage and lose equal HP later at the end of your next turn. | A contract with the Death. |
Hypnotic Watch | | Rare | | Once every combat , if you don't play any card in your turn , stun ALL enemies this turn. | Time for a nap. |
Magic Ointment | | Rare | | When obtained, heal 25 HP and set its counter to your current HP. At the end of combat, if your HP is lower than its counter, restore HP to counter and set counter to the HP before recovery. | It can relieve your pain, but it can't really cure your wound. |
Power Crystal | | Rare | | Cost of ALL Power cards reduced by 1 . | "Power" Crystal is surely helpful with Powers. |
Soul Absorber | | Rare | | Whenever a non-minion enemy die from a non-attack damage , gain 2 max HP. | Take its soul without an attack. |
Spike Shield | | Rare | | Whenever you block attack damage from an enemy , deal equal damage to damage source. | Never attack a shield with spikes on it. |
Spring Gloves | | Rare | | If you do not play any Attacks during your turn , gain 6temoraryStrength next turn. | The more the spring compresses, the heavier the punch is. |
Stun Grenade | | Rare | | Enemies do no damage at the first turn every combat. | Surprise! |
Telescope | | Rare | | Once per combat , right click to Scry5 . | You can see the stars clearly through the fog around the spire. |
Time Machine | | Rare | | Right click to record your current HP. Right click again to change your HP back later. Can be used only once. | Back to the golden age...... |
Autobot Helper | | Boss | | Gain [E] at the start of your turn, and automatically play the rightmost card in your hand (cost 1 less energy). | Feeling busy? Try this automatic helper! |
Curse Staff | | Boss | | Add 2Necronomicurse to deck. Whenever you draw a Necronomicurse , gain [E] and draw 1 extra card. | Once belonged to the most notorious wizard in the spire. |
Death Countdown | | Boss | | Gain [E] at the start of your turn. At the end of turn 8 , receive 99999 damage. | The bell of Death will toll soon...... |
Donu and Deca | | Boss | | Gain [E] at the start of odd turns. Draw 1 extra card at even turns. | "The greatest work I've ever done." - The Architect |
Elixir Of Life | | Boss | | Upon pickup , increase your max HP by 50% . Start each combat with 4Regen. | Want to live forever? Also works for robots! |
Fang Necklace | | Boss | | Gain [E] at the start of your turn. Whenever you take unblocked attack damage , gain 1Poison . | Don't hurt your self while wearing this. It's poisoned. |
Glass Crown | | Boss | | If you didn't take any unblocked attack damage in a combat , Upgrade a random card , gain 5 max HP and 30Gold . | Protect the fragile Crown , and you will gain infinite honor and wealth. |
Hero Biography | | Boss | | At the start of your turn , if there's any Power cards in draw pile , discard pile or hand , gain [E] . | What an exciting book! But the story is too short. |
Magic Eight | | Boss | | The 8th card from the left in your hand always costs 0. | ASK AGAIN LATER |
Overclocked Chip | | Boss | | Gain [E] at the start of your turn. Cards that cost 2 or more have Ethereal. | It has a large but unstable power. |
Solid Time | | Boss | | Whenever you play a Power in your deck, lose 6MaxHP and remove it from your deck. Automatically trigger the effect of the card at the start of every combat. | A cube glittering with strange light. |
Unknown Potion | | Boss | | At the start of turn, gain [E] , gain 2poison ( 60% ) and gain 2regen ( 30% ). | You have a stomachache after drinking this potion. |
AED | | Shop | | If your HP is not more than 3 at the end of combat, heal all of your HP. | Be careful when you are trying to trigger this...... |
Blue Pellets | | Shop | | Whenever you play a Power,Attack, and Skill in the same turn, remove enemies' Block and Artifact. | These are in fact small bombs disguised as pellets. |
Curse Torch | | Shop | | Whenever you draw a Curse , draw 2 extra card. | No extinguishing, no discard, NO REFUNDS! HAHAHA! |
Gift Card | | Shop | | Set the prices of the other two relics in shop to 0 . | Buy one , get two free! |
Golden Apple | | Shop | | Gain 4TemporaryHP at the start of combat. When you gain MaxHP, the amount gained is doubled. | The most delicious fruit in the world -- Try one! |
Medieval Helmet | | Shop | | Right click to enable/disable: Your attacks deal 1/2 less damage, but you gain Block equals to unblocked damage. | The helmet limits your view, so only wear it when in danger. |